Form validation
Form validation
When to use
Use form validation for all forms where information is required or is required in a particular format.
Always show an error summary at the top of the form along with a message under invalid fields.
In some cases, you can present success validation on text fields. For example, if choosing a username.
Don't display text field errors as the user is typing. Wait until typing is finished or the form is submitted.
Error summary
Use a multiline error alert to display a summary list of the validation issues.
Interactive example
Request Coffee Catalogue
Put the alert at the top of the form. Set focus on the error summary when form validation has failed.
Each issue in the list should link to the related input field. Set focus to the field when the summary list item is clicked.
Text fields
Display an error message under each invalid text field. Don't hide any 'helper text' when showing an error message.
Interactive example
Accessibility considerations
When building or using this pattern:
Set the focus of the keyboard and scroll to the error summary when it appears. Make sure the error summary is announced by a screen reader.
Consider that errors can increase anxiety for people. An error shouldn't blame the user.
Add ‘Error: ’ to the beginning of the page
to inform assistive technology users as soon as possible.